
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The silk Road recording the journey

The Silk Road was a very inte proportioning time in lifetime time history. The silk Road was the worlds first superhighway not literally a single road it consisted of a good network of trade routes connecting chinaware with Central Asia and lands beyond all the way to Rome. Goods were usually transported by larch tree Caravana its made up of guides soldiers religious Pilgrims merchants and hundreds of fright bearing camels. The silk Road florist for more than 3000 years and had a major influence on the cultures of Asia atomic number 63 and Africa is Vinny Q ask you to become a traveller on the silk Road and to demean your experiences at different points on your journey.In this mini to you will examine several(prenominal) documents and then write five journal entries in the voice of a fictionists person traveling the silk Road first choose the type of traveler you wish to be from the collection of district just descriptions on the succeeding(a) page give your traveler a name fro m the list down the stairs and fill out the profile of this person using the biological tuition and your historical imagination.Good Genadijs spread across to soak road for sentries this process of overlap is calling cultural diffusion by historians below are a few examples of goods and ideas that move by way of the silk Roads number one from chinaware silk iron bronze server and mix orange trees paper gunpowder from Central Asia for Gano horses from Africa Ivory and rhinoceros horn from India spices and Buddhism from Europe music and glassware for travelers heading west the OC this town of done Wong was a place to rest and resupply before braving the Western Cody and the Telemac and emptys soon after the fall of happen dynasty.Buddhism monks Buddhist monks begin to dig caves just 10 miles outside of slime cock in many of the caves they built Buddhist shrines over the centuries these caves too became storage vaults for many items brought to Duntonge by Cellpro travelers in ancient times the Telemac and resign was sometimes referred to as the Cody today as then the temperature in the desert reaches over 100F and rainfall and minimal

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