
Sunday, May 24, 2020

Qu necesitas saber sobre visa paralizada causa 221g

Cada aà ±o, aproximadamente la solicitud de un millà ³n de visas americanas, tanto no inmigrante como migrantes, entran en un periodo de anà ¡lisis especial conocido como procedimiento administrativo 221g, el cual significa que, por un tiempo,  no son ni aprobadas ni denegadas y la decisià ³n final està ¡ pendiente. En este artà ­culo se informa en detalle sobre quà © es realmente el procedimiento administrativo 221g, por quà © sucede, quà © puede hacer el solicitante de la visa y cuà ¡nto tiempo se demora la obtencià ³n de una respuesta final y definitiva. Puntos clave: Procedimiento administrativo 221g El procedimiento administrativo 221g es una paralizacià ³n temporal de la solicitud de una visa americana. No es una aprobacià ³n ni tampoco una denegacià ³n.Las causas del procedimiento administrativo 221g son variadas: falta de documentacià ³n, necesidad de verificar antecedentes de solicitantes, veracidad de declaraciones en solicitud de visa, etc.Es habitual que la resolucià ³n del procedimiento administrativo 221g se demore 60 dà ­as o menos, pero se conocen casos de demora superior a 8 meses.  ¿Quà © significa el procedimiento administrativo 221g? Cuando el solicitante de una visa americana recibe una notificacià ³n en la que se le informa que su solicitud està ¡ pendiente por razà ³n del procedimiento administrativo 221g, debe entender que eso quiere decir que despuà ©s de la entrevista para la visa el oficial consular a cargo  no ha podido tomar una decisià ³n definitiva. En otras palabras, la visa no es aprobada pero tampoco negada definitivamente, sino que pasa a una tramitacià ³n especial que se conoce como procedimiento administrativo 221g.  ¿Por quà © la solicitud de una visa es enviada a un procedimiento administrativo? Las razones pueden ser bà ¡sicamente dos: En primer lugar, porque falta documentacià ³n para la visa. En este caso, el oficial consular informarà ¡ en detalle sobre quà © documentos se precisan y cà ³mo deben ser enviados al consulado una vez que se obtengan. En estos casos es importantà ­simo tener en cuenta que hay un plazo que se especifica para proveer esa informacià ³n. Luego de ese tiempo sin haber entregado la documentacià ³n, la peticià ³n de visa es cancelada y si se desea sacar la visa se tendrà ¡ que volver a aplicar desde el principio. Y, en segundo lugar, el procedimiento administrativo 221g puede darse por cualquier otra razà ³n. Desde coincidencia en nombre y fecha de nacimiento con otra persona, a informacià ³n variada que pueda tener el consulado y que necesita contrastar antes de tomar una decisià ³n.   Otro ejemplo puede suceder cuando quien solicita la visa ha sido militar en un paà ­s considerado como no amistoso. Tambià ©n en el caso de personas que solicitan la visa y que han visitado o residido en paà ­ses considerados como no amigos de los Estados Unidos. Incluso este problema le puede surgir a empresarios, inversores y cientà ­ficos de algà ºn modo relacionados con tecnologà ­a considerada sensible o de doble uso y que està ¡ incluida en la  Technology Alert List. Pero en la mayorà ­a de los casos se trata de asuntos mà ¡s comunes, como cuando se sospecha criminalidad por parte del solicitante de la visa o cuando se precisa que una oficina dependiente del gobierno federal de los Estados Unidos realice verificaciones. Por ejemplo, cuando se sospecha que uno de los documentos presentados al aplicar por la visa es falso o lo es alguna de las declaraciones y afirmaciones realizadas en las planillas para su solicitud. Hay que tener siempre presente que las mentiras en este contexto son fraude de ley y puede tener consecuencias muy serias con respecto a las opciones para obtener la visa americana.  ¿Cuà ¡nto tiempo se demora resolver el procedimiento administrativo 221g? Cada caso es un mundo y no se puede establecer una regla general. Si bien es cierto que en la mayorà ­a de los casos hay una respuesta definitiva antes de que pasen 60 dà ­as, se sabe de casos en los que la demora ha llegado a los ocho meses o mà ¡s. Si la demora es mayor a lo habitual, debe consultar con un abogado si procede demandar mediante un writ of mandamus.  ¿En quà © consiste el procedimiento administrativo 221g? En cuanto a en quà © consiste este trà ¡mite administrativo 221g, hay dos posibles respuestas. Por un lado puede simplemente consistir en conseguir la documentacià ³n que se necesita y no se ha presentado. En este caso el consulado entrega un papel que dice detalladamente quà © documentacià ³n falta y dà ³nde y cà ³mo se debe entregar. En este caso debe seguir al pie de la letra esas instrucciones. Pero, por otro lado, puede que el trà ¡mite consista en una investigacià ³n por parte de una oficina que de algà ºn modo depende de un organismo federal de los Estados Unidos. Por ejemplo, se pueden verificar los antecedentes penales del solicitante o que realmente trabaja donde dice que lo hace. Incluso se puede enviar a un investigador a verificar la realidad de un matrimonio, etc. En este caso la tramitacià ³n va a depender del tipo de problema que se intenta resolver.  ¿Puede pedirse una tramitacià ³n de urgencia de la visa en este caso? No. Es irrelevante que se quiera la visa para empezar un curso, asistir a una boda, cerrar un negocio, etc. o que ya se hubiera pagado el viaje y el boleto de avià ³n. En ningà ºn caso es posible solicitar una tramitacià ³n de urgencia. Por esta razà ³n se recomienda encarecidamente no comprar tickets ni pagar reservas de viajes antes de tener la visa en mano.  ¿Puede verificarse cà ³mo se encuentra el caso? Si se ha solicitado una visa no inmigrante, tipo turista, estudiante, intercambio, trabajo temporal o semejantes se puede acceder a informacià ³n mà ¡s bien generalista sobre el estado de la tramitacià ³n de la visa en la pà ¡gina oficial del Departamento de Estado habilitada para ello. Si en el papel que se entrega donde se comunica que la solicitud està ¡ en trà ¡mite administrativo 221g se indica un mà ©todo distinto de verificacià ³n, debe seguir esas indicaciones. Si se quiere recibir informacià ³n mà ¡s en detalle, se aconseja contactar al consulado o embajada que tramita la visa. En estos casos es altamente recomendable dejar transcurrir al menos dos meses desde la fecha de la entrevista al momento de contactar por primera vez por esta razà ³n. Si se trata del supuesto en el que pidieron documentacià ³n adicional, debe contar los sesenta dà ­as a partir de la fecha del envà ­o de dicha documentacià ³n.  ¿Quà © sucede cuando se llega a una solucià ³n definitiva? La visa puede ser aprobada o negada. En este à ºltimo caso, se notificarà ¡ la causa. En ambos supuestos  se enviarà ¡ el pasaporte a su titular por el procedimiento que sea habitual en el consulado donde se solicità ³ la visa. El consulado puede negar la aprobacià ³n de una visa por razones que caen en dos grandes categorà ­as: Por causa de ineligibilidad, que es la mà ¡s comà ºn y aplica solamente a las visas no inmigrantes, como la de turista, estudiante, inversià ³n, intercambio, etc., o por alguna de  las  causas de inadmisibilidad  que impiden el ingreso a Estados Unidos, y que aplican tanto a las visas no inmigrante como de las de migrante. Cuanto  sucede una causa de inadmisibilidad, a veces es posible pedir un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como waiver o permiso. Sin embargo, en estos casos es recomendable consultar con un abogado porque son casos difà ­ciles y no siempre es posible. Consejos en forma de tests Se aconseja tomar este quiz o  test de respuestas mà ºltiples en el caso de solicitar una visa no inmigrante. Conocer las respuestas le ayudarà ¡ a entender cà ³mo sacar una visa, conservarla, renovarla y evitar que la cancelen.   En el caso de que el interà ©s sea obtener una visa inmigrante, es de interà ©s tomar este test sobre conocimientos bà ¡sicos de la green card, tambià ©n conocida como tarjeta de residencia permanente o green card. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

How to Make Your Website Mobile Friendly Using PHP

It is important to make your website accessible to all of your users. Although many people still access your website through their computer, a huge amount of people are also accessing your website from their phones and tablets. When you are programming your website it is important to keep these types of media in mind so that your site will work on these devices. PHP is all processed on the server, so by the time the code gets to the user, it is just HTML. So basically, the user requests a page of your website from your server, your server then runs all the PHP and sends the user the results of the PHP. The device never actually sees or has to do anything with the actual PHP code. This gives websites done in PHP an advantage over other languages that process on the user side, such as Flash. It has become popular to redirect users to mobile versions of your website. This is something that you can do with the htaccess file but you can also do with PHP. One way to do this is by using strpos() to look for the name of certain devices. Here is an example: ?php$android strpos($_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT],Android);$bberry strpos($_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT],BlackBerry);$iphone strpos($_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT],iPhone);$ipod strpos($_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT],iPod);$webos strpos($_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT],webOS);if ($android || $bberry || $iphone || $ipod || $webos true)  {  header(Location: http://www.yoursite.com/mobile);}? If you chose to redirect your users to a mobile site, make sure you give the user  an easy way to access the full site.   Another thing to keep in mind is that if someone reaches your site from a search engine, they often arent going through your home page so they dont want to be redirected there. Instead, redirect them to the mobile version of the article from the SERP (search engine results page.)   Something of interest may be this CSS switcher script written in PHP. This allows the user to put on a different CSS template via a drop-down menu. This would allow you to offer the same content in different mobile-friendly versions, perhaps one for phones and another for tablets. This way the user would have the option to change to one of these templates, but would also have the option to keep the full version of the site if they prefer. One final consideration: Although PHP is good to use for websites that will be accessed by mobile users, people often combine PHP with other languages to make their sit do everything they want. Be careful when adding features that the new features wont make your site unusable by members of the mobile community. Happy programming!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Colonialism And Post Colonialism By Ania Loomba - 886 Words

This reflection will discuss the concept of colonialism and post-colonialism, with a particular focus on the impact in planning. Although both concepts are not new, Ania Loomba in her book â€Å"Colonialism and Post Colonialism† provides a more exhaustive research on the regards. She argues that colonialism is the physical occupation of territory whereas post colonialism deals with effect of colonization on culture and societies. She also expanded the concepts including two new terms imperialism and Neo-colonialism. This is not only a semantic discussion but also a way to raise awareness of the (over)simplification that many authors have applied to studies in this field. Despite that there is some recognition that colonialism and post-colonialism is important, Loomba raises some warnings in this regards. Although that most of the countries that were in one point of their history colonized by a western nation are freed now, they are facing a new type of domination: the domination through the economic system. In most of the cases some form of capitalism. Most of the development of the western nation are due to cheap (or free) labor and production factors that were obtained through violence from the colonized nations. Could it possible for US to develop the cotton industry without slavery? Could Spain finance every single war without the Inca’s gold? Could Great Britain that industrialized nation without their colonies? So when These nation complains about the developmentShow MoreRelatedColonialism And Its Effects On The Colonization Of Foreign Lands And Decimating The Existence Of The Host Culture1113 Words   |  5 Pages Colonialism is broad ly defined and universally acknowledged as the process of occupying and gaining control over foreign lands. This process has been associated with the political expansion of countries as well as the immense oppression of indigenous peoples. The main question that guided the research for this literature review is how were European settlers successful in colonizing indigenous lands? This question is instructive as to which methods western colonizers utilized were most effectiveRead MorePost-colonialism in The Hunger Games1957 Words   |  8 PagesShows and televised news events (Blasingame 726). The dystopian world portrayed in the book is rife with Post-colonial themes. There are many opinions about the proper definition of Post-colonialism even going so far as to argue about whether the prefix â€Å"post† should be added to the word Colonialism. For the sake of clarity, I will use the term Post-colonialism as it is broadly defined in Post-colonial Studies: The Key Concepts, à ¢â‚¬Å"the effects of colonization on cultures and societies† (Ashcroft, GriffithsRead More Margaret Atwood’s Alias Grace Essay1647 Words   |  7 Pagesjournals of a Canadian literary ancestor, and to Canada’s nineteenth century self -image, illustrates what critic Linda Hutcheon has called ‘the use of irony as a powerful subversive rule in the rethinking and redressing of history by both the post-modern and post-colonial artist ‘(131). Atwood’s interest in the Mark’s case was first raised by her work on the journals of Susanna Moodie, a 19th-century emigrant to Canada. In a disparaging memoir entitled Roughing it in the Bush , published in LondonRead MoreThe Postcolonial Of Amitav Ghosh s Novels Let Us Begin3362 Words   |  14 Pagescultural and intellectual interaction between the colonizers and the colonized. But the term postcolonial is used loosely to encompass the vast and diverging experiences of these countries. The Post-colonialism remains relevant and significant even today. Regarding the relevance and significance of the post-colonialism Bart-Moore Gilbert observes: Given its short history as a practice in the Western Academy, and literature departments in Britain more specifically, postcolonial criticism has nonethelessRead MoreThe Savannah : A Postcolonial Society Under African Dictatorship2743 Words   |  11 Pagesthe dictator, known as his Excellency, has far more fear in upholding colonial rule than first meets the eye. In wanting to up to, and even conform to previous colonial rule, his power as a leader is repressed. This leads us to understand that post-colonialism is far beyond living in a society without colonial government. Instead, it can be understood as living in a society that has its own form of governing, one that is not dependant or in want of satisfying previous colonisers. Like Anthills of theRead MoreThe Tempest By William Shakespeare1908 Words   |  8 PagesThe Tempest by William Shakespeare was introduced during King James I’s time of power, in 1611. Although it was not then acknowledged as post-colonial work, i t is evident now that post-colonial elements are present throughout the entire play. There are many events that occurred during Shakespeare’s time that are thought to be the inspiration of the play. Henry David Gray, in his essay The Sources of The Tempest said â€Å"it had been Shakespeare’s unvarying custom for many years to dramatize some storyRead MoreHybridity in Arudhati Roys the God of Small Things3718 Words   |  15 Pagesterms such as the post-colonial state, ‘post-colonial’ had a clearly chronological meaning, designating the post-independence period. However, from the late 1970s the term has been used by literary critics to discuss the various cultural effects of colonization. The term has been widely used to signfy the political, linguistic and cultural experience of societies that were former European colonies. In the present age we can say without any shadow of doubt that post colonialism has been primarilyRead MoreThe Idea of Orientalis m Portrayed in James Camerons Avatar3778 Words   |  16 Pagesdealing with the Orient. Thus, hopefully this will be completed as expected and may give contribution in literary research focusing on film analysis. Key words: Orientalism, Oppression, Narrative, Non-Narrative, Orient. Introduction The European colonialism towards almost the whole Eastern regions has caused the cultural dominance of Western. The European tends to see that they are more civilized and advanced than the colonized people. Tyson states that the colonizers saw themselves at the center of

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

When People Talk About The Word “Fashion,” It Automobility

When people talk about the word â€Å"fashion,† it automobility provides a sense of popular styles of clothing, accessories, and makeup. Fashion influences not only on people’s behaviors, but also influences the society as a whole, such as socially and economically. In Adorned in Dreams, the author Elizabeth Wilson, introduces that fashion is a form of art, and people can use fashion to express their ideas, beliefs, and desires. Wilson also introduces the history of fashions in order to prove that people can use fashion to express different belief systems, social values, and public desires during each time period. In Subculture The Meaning of Style, Dick Hebdige believes people can use fashion as a tool to express their beliefs. In this case,†¦show more content†¦In nowadays, buying luxury brands is not only showing a sign of wealth, but also a kind of rewards for people’s hard working. Luxury products sell high market prices because of their designs, br and names, and the qualities. People want to buy luxury products because their quality is better than target brands. For example, the brand like Bottega Veneta is known for its traditional design of leather goods; their handbags are handmade in Italy. Comparing to Bottega Veneta to target brands, Bottega Veneta’s design will not easily out of style, but target brands will easily out of styles because their designs are relatively ordinary. However, in the recent year, some luxury brands’ reputation has gone done because those brands were shifting their factories to other countries and then shipping back to Italy just for the label. Technically, the phrase â€Å"Made in Italy† is not really manufacture in Italy anymore, sometimes this product s qualities are not as good as before. There is a rising concern of whether these luxury goods really match with the expensive price tags. In Adorned in Dreams, Wilson introduces that people express their ideas, beliefs, and desires through fashion. It does not matter that people from which social classes, people would express different belief systems, social values, and public desires through Fashion. â€Å"Fashion, in a sense is change, and in modern western societies no clothes are

Social Contract Theory Natural Rights and Personhood...

Personhood is a central issue within ethics and natural rights debates. For any theory of ethics or system of declaring natural rights which purports how man should be treated and/or to what rights he is so entitled must begin with what ‘man’ is. There is no doubt man has an inherent value that entities such as flies and trees lack. This value does not come from mere physical form, but from what comprises personhood; because these things can be separated from our physical form they can fail to be developed or instantiated within man’s physical form. Natural rights, and the debate about what they are and where they come from, have been long-standing issues in the philosophical as well as political communities. One thing that does seem clear†¦show more content†¦Both Locke and Rousseau believe that man, within the state of nature, is not a brutal creature void of morality. Hobbes famous quote concerning man’s natural condition, â€Å"and which is wo rst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death: and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short, is indicative of his vastly different views regarding the State of Nature. The Law of Nature, which is Locke’s basis for all morality, is bestowed upon humanity by God. This is what keeps the State of Nature from automatically becoming an intolerable warzone. His belief in God greatly influenced his views of human nature, and what constitutes personhood, but his version of the Social Contract Theory had no less influence on our modern secular democracy. The Law of Nature demands that man not harm another man in respect to his, â€Å"life, health, liberty, or possessions.† Locke’s view of human nature grants all men equality under the Law of Nature and the capacity to recognize what it is in him that demands this protection from harm, in others. Nevertheless, the Law of Nature does allow man the defense of his own life. Rousseau has a similar idea regarding the conditions in the state of nature. However, his basis for this idea is not contingent upon a God-given Law of Nature, but upon the capacity for human empathy. According to Rousse au, the state of nature was simple and peaceful. Man was a relatively smallShow MoreRelatedHuman Rights Before And After Islam4363 Words   |  18 Pages Human Rights Before And After Islam Name: Institution: Professor: Introduction and background. Human rights has become one of the most complicated and complex challenge and issue for the twenty first century (Haneef, 2016). The Islamic culture has granted some fundamental human rights for the entire humanity, without discrimination based on any situation or background. The Western Countries claim to have been the founders of human rights after which the rest of the society orRead MoreChina in Africa Essay20116 Words   |  81 PagesFantu Cheru theme: AfricAn Agriculture Agriculture and the World Bank Atakilte Beyene Property rights Kjell Havnevik Tor A. Benjaminsen Espen Sjaastad inequality and climate change contents to our reAders AfricAn Agriculture 1 3 november 2007 Carin Norberg African agriculture and the World Bank: development or impoverishment? Atakilte Beyene 5 8 Property rights formalisation in Africa Tor A. Benjaminsen Espen Sjaastad the relationship between inequality and

Fundamental Concept of Educational Planning free essay sample

Fundamental Concepts of Educational Planning 1. Why is there a need for educational planning? Educational Planning can be basis for evaluating/assessing performance of the educational system. It affects equity in the distribution and utilization of resources. Educational planning is an instrument for quality improvement. Through educational planning, a country can indicate the needed change, reform and innovation, and to maximize the use of limited resources. It brings about a well-balanced educational system and correlate education effort with national policy. It improves the effectiveness and efficiency in the delivery of educational services. There is a need for educational planning it is the instrument for providing needed coordination and direction of the different components of an educational system. It also answer that widely accepted long term goals such as universal primary education are approach objectively. It provides a realistic appraisal of the country’s resources which is important factor in the successful implementation of the plan 2. As a planner/administrator, how do you understand the term â€Å"educational development†? Suggest other facets of educational development. Educational development as a planner or administrators means expanding the facilities to match numbers with needs of the clientele; diversifying teaching – learning situations as well as their content to suit the varying demands of society; promoting lifelong learning through the provisions of education for all in-school and out-of-school youths and adults; and establishing an effective â€Å"challenge response† relationship between economic and social development, on one side and education on the other. 3. What do you think are necessary to bring about a feasible and workable educational development plan in your region/division/district/institution? An educational development plan claims to be designed to meet the unique educational needs of the learner. In all cases the educational development plan must be tailored to the individual students needs by the evaluation process, and must especially help teachers and related service providers understand the students learning process. 4. In your own area, what do you think is the ideal approach to be used as basis of your planning activity? Why? Foundation of Educational Planning 1. As an educational planner, why is there a need for basic knowledge and understanding of society? Having a basic knowledge and understanding of the society is considered to be essential because the planner should understand the impact of educational planning to the society. Plans may be very accurately drawn up but these may fail unless the necessary attitudes are acquired by the people to be trained. 2. Present a situation showing the impact of planning on society. Education planned for a free and compulsory education is the first level. Everybody within this age-group and level must be in school regardless of wether the parents would like them to remain at home to help in the household chore or help in augmenting family income. Although elementary education is compulsory, full implementation cannot be achieved because of limited resources. Educational planners bear a responsibility to ensure that the society eventually eccepts the change and gradually adjusts itself to the consequences of that change. 3. What are the principal cost elements of education? The principal cost elements of education the policy makers has to take up into consideration may be distinguished in three categories: investment in capital for example is the school building, Current cost for example the teacher’s salaries, the books and chalks, and the indirect cost. The latter could perhaps be explained in this example, generally when people are in school they do not participate in production. At this period, the country sacrifices what these people could have produced if they have been working instead of going to school. 4. What do you understand by education as consumption and as an investment? Give specific example. Education in economic analysis and policy plays a role both as consumption and as an investment. Education is consumption because it satisfies the needs and provides utilities. It also spends money for the school facilities, teachers’ salaries, books and other materials that cost so much money. It is an investment if it contributes to the economic growths in general and the increase of individual income in particular. 5. Why should an educational planner be conversant with the structure of the educational system? Every change in structure has immediate repercussions in the work of the educational planner. All his projections of enrolment, teacher needs and the like, his costing and financial statements have to be changed to match the new structure – hence, his need to be associated in all attempts of structural reform in a country. 6. How should educational planners respond to the challenges of population dynamics? Planners should consider on what strategies to adopt in accordance to the population which is constantly changing in number age and sex composition, and geographic distribution. Educational planning cannot be separated from the considerations about the dynamics of population growth and change. Educational planners should explore new avenue including major reforms of educational structure and contents. The response to population dynamics lies in innovation rather than expansion. The management of population is a vital to economic development which can be achieved by educational and economic measures. It is appropriate that planners know their role in population education. One of the most significant contributions of education to national development is to inculcate in our people the awareness of the vital and pressing need; to control population growth or decline and to manage population processes and to explain the national development is not exclusively economic development LESSON 3: Educational Planning Ate the National and Sub-national Level 1. Explain the relationship of the different levels of planning to the entire national development process. 2. How can planning on the national and sub-national levels solve the problems of our educational system? LESSON 4: Educational Planning at the Institutional Level 1. Why is the institutional planning important and necessary? Institutional planning is important and necessary because it’s the primary objective is to make the best utilization of existing resources and they emphasize human efforts rather than additional money investment. Education is essentially a stretch process whereby teachers and students stretch themselves and their resources to the utmost. 2. Formulate a skeletal framework of an institutional plan for school/institution in your locality.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

A Separate Peace Appearance Vs Reality Essay Example For Students

A Separate Peace Appearance Vs Reality Essay Appearance vs. Reality in HamletShakespeares Hamlet is the tale of a young prince determined to uncover thetruth about his fathers recent death. Hamlets uncle (and also the deceased kingsbrother), Claudius, marries his mother the queen, and therefore, takes the throne. In thebeginning of the story, Hamlet is told by the apparition of his dead father that it wasClaudius who in fact murdered him. The theme that remains consistent throughout thetragedy is appearance versus reality. The characters introduced to us throughout the playappear to be pure and honest, but in reality are infested with evil. They deceitfully hidebehind a mask of integrity. Four main dishonest characters which are found to bedisguised with righteousness are Polonius, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, and the freshlycrowned king Claudius. The first impression presented by these characters are ones oftruth, honor, and morality; they are all plagued by evilness and lies in reality. Theirappearances serve as obstacles for H amlet as he struggles to discover the hidden truth. The kings royal assistant, Polonius, has a great preoccupation with appearance. He continually gives the impression of being an affectionate and caring person. He isintroduced as a father who deeply cares for his son, Laertes. Polonius speaks to Laerteswith advice which sounds sincere, yet in truth, is rehearsed, empty, and without feeling. He gives the advice to make others believe he is a strong, loving, role-model type of afather. He is similar to a politician. He speaks strong, influential words, but does notactually mean what he is saying sincerely in the least. Polonius grants his son his blessingAnd borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. This above all: to thine own self be true,And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. Farewell; my blessing season this in thee! (Hamlet 46). Within his speech to Laertes, Polonius advises him to not borrow from others, to remaintrue to himself, and not to lie. Polonius appears to be a caring and trusting father when infact he sends a spy after Laertes to follow and keep an eye on him. This demonstrates hisdistrust for his son. He is not the confident father in which he is shown to be. His speechwas rehearsed to give the effect that he actually cares and is trustworthy of his son. Polonius further adds to the theme of appearance versus reality when he orders hisdaughter, Ophelia, to stop seeing Hamlet. He mischieviously lies to her, claiming thatHamlet does not love her, that he only lusts for her: Ay, springs to catch woodcocks. Ido know, When the blood burns, how prodigal the soul (Hamlet 47). Throughout theplay, Polonius is seen as a warm and tender parent. Behind the mask, he is a devious,lying, and manipulative person. Polonius obviously contributes to the theme ofappearance versus reality by illustrating that his virtuous appearance is not true in nature,because underneath the facade he is someone completely different.Rosenc rantz and Guildenstern are two of Hamlets closest friends from childhood. They follow the kings instructions when asked to figure out what is troubling Hamlet. The two go to Hamlet with the illusion of being friends with Hamlet, but in truth aresimply there to abide by the kings orders. Their inquiry of his problems are not sincere. There is some irony in this situation; the boys are asked to discover the truth while hidingin a lie of pretending to be Hamlets true friends. As Hamlet realizes their underhandedmotives, he states, A dream itself is but a shadow (Hamlet 73). Hamlet understandsthat they are not the good friends he assumed they were. The king sends Rosencrantzand Guildenstern again to try to gain an explanation for Hamlets awkward behavior. Hamlet recognizes their intentions once again and proceeds to insult them: It is as easyas lying. Govern these ventages with your finger and thumb, give it breath with yourmouth (Hamlet 106). It is evident to see how these two buddies of Hamlet add to the appearance versus reality theme.The conduct wonderfully presented by Claudius, the new king of Denmark,illustrates him as an honest and heartfelt man. In Act One, Claudius demonstrates hisgreat skill at public speaking as he is in the presence of council: Though yet of Hamlet our dear brothers deathThe memory be g reen, and that it us befitted To bear our hearts in grief and our whole kingdom To be contracted in one brow of woe (Hamlet 33). The reality of the situation is that Claudius cares little for his brother and his death. He isjust happy to be at the head of the thrown; something he had previously longed for. Hespeaks respectfully and honorably of him and on his behalf only to be looked upon as aIn Act One, Hamlet directly insults Claudius, and yet the king continues the frontof being caring and truly affectionate towards his nephew. A normal king (or anyauthority figure) would become angry an punish anyone who would degrade them in anyway. Claudius demonstrates to his council that he is understanding of Hamlets grievancesover his deceased father. He advises Hamlet that grieving can be harmful and not healthy. He reinforces that it is respectable and honorable of Hamlet to morn for his father:Tis sweet and commendable in your nature, Hamlet,To give these mourning duties to your father. But you must know your father lost a father,That father lost, lost his, and the survivor bound In filial obligation for some termTo do obsequious sorrow. But to persever In obstinate condolement is a courseOf impious stubbornness (Hamlet 37). Claudius further makes it difficult for Hamlet to reveal the truth about the murderof his father when Claudius announces that Hamlet shall be next in line for the throne ofDenmark. This demonstrates Claudius apparent love and trust in Hamlet, that he wouldallow him to take his place when he dies. He seems to be an honorable and virtuous manwhen he declares this: You are the most immediate to our throne, and with no lessnobility of love than that which dearest father bears his son do I impart toward youAll in all, Claudius appears to be a trustworthy king who would do anything for hiskingdom. In truth, although, he is a selfish and greedy brother. He desired all his brotheronce had. He coveted his wife and tried to be a father-figure for his so n. He wanted allbeing a king had to offer, and he achieved his position through the murder of his own fleshand blood. Behind his pure and moral mask, laid a monstrous and deceitful man. .uafe9cebb00a2197af5d64669bd4257f0 , .uafe9cebb00a2197af5d64669bd4257f0 .postImageUrl , .uafe9cebb00a2197af5d64669bd4257f0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uafe9cebb00a2197af5d64669bd4257f0 , .uafe9cebb00a2197af5d64669bd4257f0:hover , .uafe9cebb00a2197af5d64669bd4257f0:visited , .uafe9cebb00a2197af5d64669bd4257f0:active { border:0!important; } .uafe9cebb00a2197af5d64669bd4257f0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uafe9cebb00a2197af5d64669bd4257f0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uafe9cebb00a2197af5d64669bd4257f0:active , .uafe9cebb00a2197af5d64669bd4257f0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uafe9cebb00a2197af5d64669bd4257f0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uafe9cebb00a2197af5d64669bd4257f0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uafe9cebb00a2197af5d64669bd4257f0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uafe9cebb00a2197af5d64669bd4257f0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uafe9cebb00a2197af5d64669bd4257f0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uafe9cebb00a2197af5d64669bd4257f0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uafe9cebb00a2197af5d64669bd4257f0 .uafe9cebb00a2197af5d64669bd4257f0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uafe9cebb00a2197af5d64669bd4257f0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: I Do or Please Don't: Hawaii's Same Sex Marriages EssayBy reading the tragedy, Hamlet, one can reveal that the four characters mentionedin this essay (Polonius, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, and Claudius) are completelytwo-faced. They follow the theme of appearance versus reality specifically. Each give thefirst impression of being true to their intentions, honest, and pure. It is uncoveredthroughout the play that they are all devious and cunning. These characters areimpediments to Hamlet, as he fights to discover the truth which haunts him. Bibliography: